Water Supply
The Great Chicago Lake Tunnel. Chicago: Published by Jack Wing, 1867.
Fontana, Domenico. Della trasportatione dell’ Obelisco Vaticano. Roma: Appresso Domenico Basa, 1590.
Gorringe, Henry Honeychurch. Egyptian Obelisks. New York: Published by the Author, 1882.
Perronet, Jean-Rodolphe. Description des projets et de la construction des ponts de Neuilly, de Mantes, d'Orléans & autres; du projet du canal de Bourgogne, pour la communication des deux Mers par Dijon. Paris, De l'Imprimerie royale, 1782-83.
Telford, Thomas. Life of Thomas Telford, Civil Engineer. London: Payne and Foss, 1838.
Knight, Edward Henry. Knight’s American Mechanical Dictionary. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1877.
"The Great Bridge at St Louis: Erection of the Superstructure." Scientific American, Nov. 15, 1873.
"Method of sinking foundations for the piers of the St. Louis Bridge," Engineering, Feb. 3, 1871.
Viaducts & Aqueducts
Tower, F. B. Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1843.